Stand Up!
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (SA Branch) is a powerful professional and industrial organisation representing nurses, midwives and personal care assistants across South Australia.
As the leading voice for nurses, midwives and personal care assistants for over a century, ANMF (SA Branch)’s aim is to negotiate positive outcomes for their members at local, state and federal levels. They also promote and encourage community engagement on the many issues that affect their professions.
When asked to develop the creative to support a series of campaign activities for ANMF (SA Branch), we felt it necessary to look at the bigger picture and create a ‘campaign brand’ for the ANMF that can build a platform for increased recognition and engagement.
Rather than a on-off campaign, the branding would create a consistency to set the tone for all ANMF campaigns now and into the future.
Through the use of illustrative devices, typography, colour, photography and language, we developed a standard for all campaigns that is flexible enough to be modified and expanded upon to communicate different messages throughout multiple campaigns while creating a strong presence and awareness. The campaign brand needed to be empowering, active and bold yet also have a friendly, positive feel reflective of the ANMF’s caring and passionate tone of voice.